Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fwd: My day at the desk.....

-----Original Message-----

From: br>Subj: My day at the desk.....
Date: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:53 pm
Size: 571 bytes

So my desk seems cluttered I have a place for everything esentially but it just seems like more things keep getting stuck on my screen. Yes there is a Luck Troll complete with secret message in her bag. I can't tell you what it says or it won't come true. I have speakers so when we play we can get the full effect. Then there is the black cloth arm band LALA wore to that antii-war rally (still a rebel). I worked two years or more before I obtained a real chair, in place of the step stool I sat on 'the bat ladder' as it was called. It took then another year? Before I got a really really real desk, and now I can't seem to leave it behind....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi from my phone...

I just figured out how to blog from my mobile. Now I feel like every 14 year old. Woot.

Monday, March 24, 2008

And Suddenly Out Of the Sky

Yes this is a real photograph. No, unfortunately aliens did not come out of a hovering space craft. I was not lifted into the beam and implanted with a space child. But I really thought it might happen. The themes from so many sci-fi films were running through my head....Would it be like Independence Day "Welcome to Earf", maybe, The Day The Earth Stood Still "Klaatu Barada Nikto", War Of The Worlds "Lightning never strikes in the same place twice."